JAPAN: Daikin is to accelerate its long-standing development activities with Japanese chemical company Daicel, a collaboration which has recently produced a total heat exchange element and new air filter medium.
The two companies have been working together for about 20 years, since they introduced the Daicel-type production innovation method for process innovation at Daikin’s chemical plants.
More recently they have been utilising the strengths of both Daicel’s advanced material technology and Daikin’s air conditioning knowledge. This has resulted in the development of moisture-permeable membrane total heat exchange elements for ventilation equipment and low-pressure-loss air filter media for large air conditioners.
The moisture permeable membrane total heat exchange element
The total heat exchange element incorporates a membrane sheet is about one-third as thin as a conventional paper sheet and efficiently transfers heat in the air. In addition, while this moisture permeable membrane selectively permeates water vapour, it improves the blocking property of substances that pollute the indoor air, such as bacteria, viruses, and carbon dioxide. It can also be cleaned and disinfected to maintain cleanliness.
By combining this moisture permeable membrane sheet with Daikin’s original technology “countercurrent frame structure”, air leakage inside the total heat exchange element has been significantly reduced.
The air filter medium is made of a nano-fibre composite material that utilises Daicel’s fibre technology. It is a composite of multiple fibres with different fibre diameters to produce a filter with improved dust collection. In addition, the low pressure losses reduces fan power consumption. In addition, it is said to possess a structure that is less likely to be clogged, thus lengthening the replacement cycle.